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Plant extract-derived betulinic acid chalcone inhibits the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus via targeting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ-Regulated gene expression. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2021;17(75):505-510.
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A bioinformatics-based investigation to screen and analyze the bioactivity of Piper longum Linn. compounds as a ground-breaking hostile to antidiabetic activity. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2020;16(68):199-205.
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Antidiabetic potential of the total flavone glycoside from okra fruit in type 2 diabetic rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2018;14(58):482-488.
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Normalization of insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and lipid profile by Swietenia Mahagoni (L.) Jacq. leaf extract in fructose-induced diabetic rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2018;14(59s):s649-s657.
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A novel compound Lup-20 (29)-ene-3α,6β-diol identified in petroleum ether extract of diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. leaves and to reveal its antidiabetic activity in rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2018;14(55s):s245-s248.
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Rhinacanthins-rich extract enhances glucose uptake and inhibits adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes and L6 Myotubes. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2017;13(52s):s817-s821.
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Herbal therapy: A review of emerging pharmacological tools in the management of diabetes mellitus in Africa. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2015;11(44s1):s258-s274.
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Evaluation of antidiabetic, antioxidant and antiglycating activities of the Eysenhardtia polystachya. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2014;10(38s):s404-s418.
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Effect of Phlomis persica on glucose levels and hepatic enzymatic antioxidants in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2010;6(23): 219-224.
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Antidiabetic activity of aqueous extract of Eucalyptus citriodorahook. in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2009;5(19s):51-54.
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Antidiabetic Effect and Antioxidant Potential of Rosa canina Fruits. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2009;5(20):309-315.
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