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Naringenin reduced migration in osteosarcoma cells through downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 and snail. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2020;16(71):620-624.
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Naringenin sensitizes lung cancer NCI-H23 cells to radiation by downregulation of akt expression and metastasis while promoting apoptosis. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2020;16(70):229-235.
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Vasorelaxant and antihypertensive activities of citroflavonoids (Hesperidin/Naringenin Mixture): Potential prophylactic of cardiovascular endothelial dysfunction. Pharmacognosy Magazine . 2019;15(62):84-91.
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Molecular interaction of naringin and its metabolite naringenin to human liver fibrosis proteins: An In Silico approach. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2018;14(55s):s102-s109.
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Naringenin protects against 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium- induced neuroinflammation and resulting reactive oxygen species production in SH-SY5Y cell line: An in Vitro model of parkinson's disease. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2018;14(57s):s458-s464.
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Effect of naringenin (A naturally occurring flavanone) against pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus and oxidative stress in mice. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2017;13(49s):s154-s160.
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Rapid quantitative analysis of naringenin in the fruit bodies of Inonotus vaninii by two-phase acid hydrolysis followed by reversed phase-high performance liquid chromatography-ultra violet. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2017;13(52):659-662.
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Preparation and pharmacokinetics in beagle dogs of ganershu sustained-release pellets. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2014;10(39):217-226.
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