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Hyphaene thebaica mart. extract attenuates oxidative stress and Bax- and Bcl-2-mediated apoptosis in ethanol-induced gastric ulcers in rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2022;18(80):969-975.
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Catha edulis-induced skeletal muscle toxicity in experimental rats via regulation of rhabdomyolysis biomarkers. Pharmacognosy Magazine . 2019;15(64):359-365.
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Cytoprotective effect of Cactus cladode (Opuntia ficus-indica) against chlorpyrifos induced reactive oxygen species in rat hepatocytes: Involvement of heat shock protein 70 and CYP1A1/2 proteins. Pharmacognosy Magazine . 2019;15(62):47-53.
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