Natural plant-based manures and composts were the main fertilizers to enhance agricultural farm food production and keep the health of farm soil intact till the early 1930s. However, these practices changed post-World War, and farmers became more reliant on chemical fertilizers, other agrochemicals, and farm machineries.[1] Certainly, these modernizations in farm practices led “green revolution” post-1960s and increased the yield of food crops many folds.[2] However, it drastically and negatively affected nutrient qualities and quantities in cultivated food crops.[3] Later on, the introduction of food-processing techniques postindustrialization further impinged on the nutrient qualities and quantities of food materials. Although these developments facilitated human life and lifestyle in many ways, drastic depletion of micronutrients, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals during processing of food materials compromised health conditions of individuals.[4]...Read More