I am pleased to introduce the April-June issue to you with very interesting articles related to medicinal plant research. As you are aware, Phcog Mag. is one of the most read and favorite journals in the field of pharmacognosy. Since a new electronic submission system was introduced at the end of 2009 ( www.journalonweb.com/pm ), [1] Phcog Mag. has been attempting to improve the editorial process, further shortening the time taken to decide the fate of the submitted articles and to make the process less disturbing for authors. More important, the article quality is being thoroughly checked for each manuscript by peer review process using multiple reviewers. It is arduous to complete the task sometimes. [2] We are striving hard to finish the whole publishing process in the stipulated period of time. Being indexed in Science Citation Index, Scopus, Pubmed and other important databases, it is the most important task for us to have an impact factor (IF) soon. Read More...