Found 3 results
Filters: Author is Jiwoo Lee and Keyword is quality control [Clear All Filters]
Simultaneous determination of eight bioactive compounds in Dianthus superbus by high-performance liquid chromatography. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 20160511th ed. 2016;12(46s):s264-s269.
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Simultaneous determination of five major compounds in the traditional medicine Pyeongwee-San by high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2014;10(37s):s22-s29.
PDF (1.46 MB)
Simultaneous determination of four neuroprotective compounds of Tilia amurensis by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2014;10(39):195-199.
PDF (1.02 MB)