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Filters: Author is Bohyoung Lee and Keyword is simultaneous determination [Clear All Filters]
Quantitative analysis of the eight major compounds in the Samsoeum using a high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection and electrospray ionization mass spectrometer. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2015;11(42):320-326.
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Qualitative and quantitative analysis of nine major compounds in the Bozhougyiqi-Tang using a high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a diode array detector and electrospray ionization mass spectrometer. Pharmacogn Mag [Internet]. 2013;9(35): 271-282.
PDF (5.87 MB)
Simultaneous determination of ten bioactive compaounds from the roots of Cynanchum paniculatum by using high performance liquid chromatography coupled-diode array detector. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Internet]. 2012;8(31):231-236.
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